Pixels to Inches Converter

Pixels to Inches Converter


Step by Step Guide

  1. Open the Pixels to Inches Converter tool in your web browser.
  2. In the “Pixels” input field, enter the number of pixels you want to convert to inches.
  3. Choose the DPI/PPI (dots per inch/pixels per inch) option from the dropdown menu. By default, the tool is set to 300 DPI/PPI.
  4. If you want to select a different DPI/PPI value, click on the “Other” option in the dropdown menu. This will reveal an input field where you can enter your custom DPI/PPI value.
  5. Once you have entered the pixel value and selected the DPI/PPI, the tool will automatically calculate the equivalent inches value in the “Inches” output field.
  6. If you want to convert another set of pixels to inches, simply repeat steps 2-5.
  7. To reset the tool and clear all inputs and outputs, click on the “Reset” button.

That’s it! You can now use the Pixels to Inches Converter tool to easily convert pixel values to inches based on your desired DPI/PPI.

How to Convert Pixels to Inches?

To convert pixels to inches, you need to know the pixels per inch (PPI) or dots per inch (DPI) value of the image or display. The PPI/DPI value indicates the number of pixels that fit into one inch of screen space.

If you don’t know the PPI/DPI of the image or display, you can use a standard value like 72 PPI, which is commonly used for web graphics. However, keep in mind that the actual PPI/DPI may vary depending on the device and image quality.

Once you have the PPI/DPI value, you can use the following formula to convert pixels to inches:

Inches = Pixels / PPI

Here’s a step-by-step guide to converting pixels to inches:

  1. Determine the PPI or DPI value of the image or display. If you’re unsure, use a standard value like 72 PPI.
  2. Measure the number of pixels you want to convert to inches. For example, let’s say you have an image with a width of 800 pixels.
  3. Use the formula to convert pixels to inches:Inches = 100 pixels / 72 PPI ≈ 1.389 inches

So, 800 pixels would be approximately equal to 1.389 inches at 72 PPI.

Remember that this conversion is only accurate if the PPI/DPI value is known and accurate. If you plan to print the image, it’s crucial to use the correct PPI/DPI value for the specific printer and printing method to ensure proper print quality.


What is the Pixels to Inches Converter tool?

The Pixels to Inches Converter is a tool that allows you to convert pixel values to inches based on the DPI/PPI (dots per inch/pixels per inch) setting.

Can I convert multiple pixel values to inches using this tool?

Yes, you can convert multiple pixel values to inches using the Pixels to Inches Converter tool. Simply repeat the steps mentioned above for each set of pixel values you want to convert.

How do I reset the tool and clear the inputs and outputs?

To reset the tool, click on the “Reset” button. This will clear all the inputs and outputs, allowing you to start fresh with new conversion calculations.

What is DPI/PPI?

DPI (dots per inch) and PPI (pixels per inch) represent the resolution of an image or display. DPI/PPI determines the number of dots or pixels per inch, resulting in the image’s quality and sharpness.

Can I use a custom DPI/PPI value?

Yes, the Pixels to Inches Converter tool allows you to enter a custom DPI/PPI value. Select the “Other” option from the dropdown menu and enter your desired DPI/PPI value in the provided text field.

Is the Pixels to Inches Converter tool accurate?

Yes, the tool provides accurate conversions based on the entered pixel value and selected DPI/PPI value. However, ensure that you input the correct values for accurate results.

Can this tool be used for different types of screens or images?

Yes, the Pixels to Inches Converter tool can be used for various screens, such as monitors, TVs, or digital displays, as well as for any image where pixel-to-inch conversion is required.